King Rama I had this temple built besidethe oId Wat Plub, and later merged the two. The _ample was restored during the reign of King Ram . III. Tamnak Chan, the mansion given to King Rama II when he entered the monkhood, was also restored, and the name of the temple was changed to Wat Ratchasittharam
Ubosot: The brick and stucco main chapel has i two-tiered roof. On the pediments are der -tions of Narai (Vis nu) mounted on a g ruda, with flower motifs and coloured glass mosaics. The murals depict the penuitiMate life of the Lord Buddha and the Tribhumikatha, the Buddhist cosmology of the three worlds, Heaven, Earth and Hell.Tamnak Chan: The ground floor was built of b ck and stucco while the upper floor is of char or sandal wood. During restoration in King Ram Ill's reign, the mansion was moved to the side if the Keng Jeen, the Chinese style mansion.
Chedi : The two chedi are named PhraSirasana Chedi and Phra Sirajumphot Chedi. Their bases are decorated with ropes of stucco.
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